
Nederlandse Vrienden van Reuth
American Friends of Reuth

American Friends of Reuth

The American Friends of Reuth are among our most active advocates overseas. Initiating many events and activities for the benefit of Reuth and its institutions, they continuously recruit both donors and volunteers, to expand the circles of support. Two of their main projects – the internship for high school girls at Reuth Medical & Rehabilitation Center and the Bar/Bat Mitzvah program – target the younger set, aiming to develop a new generation of loyal emissaries, who will spread Reuth's message throughout the U.S.A.  

The American Friends of Reuth Website >

Reuth News

Ido Sharir the new executive director of Reuth

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Volunteering at Reuth

Yohanna Rote & Ruth Ben Ari

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Give to Reuth

Lend a helping hand to all those who need us! Read more